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Samsung TV Youtube App Not Working

  • 2 min read
  • June 1
Samsung TV YouTube App Not Working

Watching videos on a big TV is much nicer than watching it on the small screen of your mobile phone. This prevents eyestrain. And watching videos with several people from a small screen is just not convenient. Videos on YouTube can be viewed in two ways. Via its website. Or, through the app. But what if the Samsung TV Youtube app is not working with your remote control? You will find the answer in this article!

Samsung TV Remote App

netflix remote app

ControlMeister has developed a revolutionary application which is even 100% free. It’s a Samsung TV remote app that is much better, cheaper and more modern than your current remote control.

This app obviously has all the features you need. The volume, the channels, the power; control it easily with your iPhone or iPad from now on. It even has a keyboard and trackpad, which is something that your current device does not have. But ControlMeister’s app has much more to offer: YOUTUBE! Use the video platform with 1 push of a button. Ideal if your Samsung TV Youtube app is not working anymore with the standard remote control.

What To Do

Okay, what should you do to get rid of Samsung TV Youtube app not working error?

Simple, just follow the steps below:

Samsung Remote ControlMeister
  1. Download Samsung TV remote app in the App Store. Don’t worry; it’s free! The image above is what it looks like
  2. Make sure your iOS device and the TV are on the same network.
  3. Open the app and follow the onboarding.
  4. Press OK on your remote when you see a notification on your TV screen.

That’s it! Now everything is arranged and you can enjoy your new remote control.

ControlMeister Remote App

Youtube Website

Of course you can also visit Youtube via the website. ControlMeister makes this very easy with its mouse trackpad & keyboard functions. This way you can look up videos very quickly.

It can be very annoying and stressful if your Samsung TV Youtube app is not working by a malfunctioning remote control, or the like. Hopefully this blog post has solved the problem. Do you still have questions? Then go to the FAQ page on our website. Or, contact us via the contact form or via the support support in the app itself.

Video Tutorial

Would you rather see some video explanation about the Samsung TV remote app from ControlMeister? Then discover this 3-minute video and get the most out of your television.